June 2024

STOP PRESS !    We are in the process of setting up a Gauge 1 layout wihin the area of our existing raised level track.  More information and photographs to follow.

June 2024

Our society's annual efficiciency trials, the 'Rugeley Model Locomotive Efficiency Competition'  . . . .  RuMLEC  . . . took place over the weekend of 22nd and 23rd of June.  The competition was keenly contested over the two days and the top 3 places were very close.  The winner was Alan Redgrave with his 5" gauge 'Polly 5'. All of the results can be seen  . . . .   |HERE|











May 2024

Over the weekend of 18th and 19th May our society hosted a very succesful 3.1/2" gauge rally. Many visitors came from as far as Kent, Surrey, Reading, Manchester and Birmingham.  Photographs taken by our members over the two days can be seen  . .  . . . . . .   |HERE|











May 2024

The April 2024 edition of the Federation of Model Engineering Societies Newsletter can be seen  . .  . .  |HERE|











May 2023

On Sunday 21 May The Peacock Railway operated by the South Cheshire Model Engineering Society held an extra public running day with the day's takings to be donated to our society.    When the day's takings were added up, together with a generous donation from an individual South Cheshire MES member, we were presented with a envelope containing the proceeds.  We were absolutely delighted to hear that as much as £560 was raised which we will go towards our 'Save the Rugeley Miniature Railway' campaign fighting fund. Our sincere thanks from all of our members to all of their members for their generosity.  The Heritage Railway Magazine published this story in their May/June 2023 Issue 308 which you can read here  . . . . .










May 2023

On Saturday 20 May 2023 we were pleased to receive a visit from Michael Fabricant, Member of Parliament for Lichfield and Councillor Richard Cox to support our 'Save the Rugeley Miniature Railway' campaign.  Our railway lies just within Mr Fabricant's constituency. Please use this link   |HERE| for photographs taken on the day, and Mr Fabricant's own report on his visit on his website  . .










May 2023

We received a particularly warm welcome when we visited the Sutton Coldfield Model Engineering Society, home of the Little Hay Miniature Railway, on 14 May 2023.


March  2023

On Saturday 18 March 2023 we were very pleased to receive a special visit from the Rt Hon Amanda Milling MP for Cannock,  to support of our 'Save the Rugeley Miniature Railway' campaign.



October 2022

On a rather wet Sunday 23 October we received a visit from members of the Bromsgrove Society of Model Engineers, who brought some impressive locomotives. One of the visiting members produced this video of the day  . . . . . .








October 2022

The September 2022 edition of the Federation of Model Engineering Societies Newsletter can be seen  . .  . .  |HERE|





July 2022

The June 2022 edition of the Federation of Model Engineering Societies Newsletter can be seen  . .  . .  |HERE|



February 2021

Our society was approached by a community group newly set up to promote and share memories of Cannock park in Staffordshire, which was home to our former track when our society was established in 1971.  we were then called  Cannock Chase Model Engineers.  The society operated there until 1988 when it had to leave the park to make way for a new development.  The Society then relocated and built our present track and facilities in the grounds of the Rugeley Power Station.  Hence the change of name. The community group have been given some photographs of the Society at the park from a collection owned by our members Don Dutton and John Dutton.   These can be seen on the 'Pals of Cannock Park' facebook page  . . . . 





PLEASE VISIT OUR NEWS ARCHIVE for the period July 2012 to August 2020  . . . . .






Copyright Rugeley Power Station Society of Model Engineers
All right reserved